Wednesday, 18 January 2012

If all else fails, add cream cheese

Please disregard the horrible cuticles here but admire the beautiful nail art done by Miss Richelle! In lou of ARTS birthday. Yes that is correct ART has a birthday, and it happened to be yesterday night here in Banff. Celebrations were had during ART's 1,000,049 fantastic party, many art productions occurred during the night and Richelle's Nail Station was one of them. Happy Birthday ART!

Tonight's dinner, there is a beautiful lounge in the bottom of our residence and we have been using it pretty much weekly for get togethers where someone always volunteers to cook. Tonight LUM (above right ) made a pea and pancetta risotto, Lisa and Nick (above left) made two very delicious salads, and I had the chance to make some dessert (below)

A fruit crisp! Meagan style of course. aka there was cream cheese involved...


Far left here is my roommate Joy and to her right is Candace Hopkins. Candace is the artist and curator running the Trading Post Residency which is concurrently happening with our residency. Candace gave an artist talk yesterday which was quite lovely, its always great to hear how our mentors came to the point they are in their respective practise's. I am looking forward to another artist talk tomorrow afternoon with Janice Kerbel, she is the artist currently working with the Walter Phillips Gallery here at the Centre. Janice's show KILL THE WORKERS opens this Friday evening.

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